Neurodivergent Narratives
Neurodivergent Narratives Podcast
Intersecting Identities and RSD

Intersecting Identities and RSD

Here's part two in the series on thoughts about "RSD" (rejection sensitivity dysphoria). This one is where I dive into some thoughts on rejection from an intersectional lens and wonder what kind of narrative we learn about who is rejected and how we're all forced to deal with rejection based on the identities that we hold. What kind of messages are we given about rejection? What are the expectations to manage rejection determined by? Is it all in our heads? 

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Click for my free EBOOK on self-compassion: They Were Wrong About You!

Intro & Outro music: Joseph McDade
T-shirt I'm wearing:  ND Renegade

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Neurodivergent Narratives
Neurodivergent Narratives Podcast
on exploring neurodivergence, rejecting social norms & embracing the beauty & messiness of reconnecting to our humanity.