I’ve got space to work with a few people this month, so send me a direct message if you’re interested in learning more.
I work with people stuck in the in-between.
That liminal space where change and transformation are imminent but also feel so elusive. It’s that space between “I can’t be who I’ve been told I should be” and “I don’t know how to get to who I know I am.” The promises of the other side keep calling but the space between feels like a massive expanse, waiting to swallow them whole. It can be exhilarating, confusing, exhausting and terrifying all at once. The sensations that course through their bodies can keep them frozen in time, forever in movement but going nowhere, seemingly stranded between “I can’t go back” and “I can’t see a way forward” and no way out in sight.
It’s not an easeful space to exist in.
The people I work with may not initially recognise the bravery it takes to be the ones who choose themselves, but they intuitively know that it’s the only path worth taking.
They don’t think about how recovering who we are is something that the dominant culture actively works to keep us from achieving. They don’t think about how the expectation of mediocrity keep us continually shaming ourselves, shrinking ourselves, becoming more fearful and despairing of all the ways we’re different, so we stay trapped within the labels and narratives society built for us. They don’t think about how this fear keeps us from sharing our talents, skills and knowledge in hopes of keeping the status quo either. All they know is the only “potential” they’re not “living up to” is defining what it means for them to be themselves and living it.
And that’s what’s slowly killing them.
When I make societal expectations the definitions of who I am and meant to become, I twist, I turn. I crack. I squeeze myself into the shell of mediocrity, beating myself into society’s mould. Then I split into shards, desperately hiding the pieces of myself that don’t fit in, scrambling to find what’s left to create the most perfect mediocre mask, that’s never quite mediocre enough.
No wonder I always feel broken.
I struggle daily to release the expectations placed on me and create new boundaries around becoming more myself, but some days are better than others. I’m learning to find more peace in the in-betweens of life. And it’s a good thing too - I’m in them a lot.
We all are.
It’s in that space where we’re challenged to dig deeper to meet our highest self, so we can learn to navigate the unknowns and fears in our lives with integrity and dignity. It’s where we’re forced to face all those stories that tell us that who we are will never be enough.
Or that we’ll never fit in.
Or that we’re irrevocably broken.
We learn to challenge the narratives that made us believe that being ourselves means we were never meant to shine, let alone thrive.
When we decide that it’s worth feeling the difficult things, we make space to feel more of what’s joyful too. That’s when we finally start to experience our life. It’s when we decide to blast through the chains of mediocrity and step into the wholeness of all we’re meant to be.
Realness will always be frightening in a society that forces us to deny our reality and the truths that make us who we are. But what lies beneath that fear is what will always make life worth living.
It’s also what will change the world.
Have you gotten my book It’s Never Just ADHD yet? If you’ve read any of it, please leave a 5 star review on Amazon, Goodreads and anywhere else you buy books. It would mean a lot to me! Thank you!
Yesss love this and you 💖