Neurodivergent Narratives
Neurodivergent Narratives Podcast
Thoughts on Self-Care

Thoughts on Self-Care

This week I share on self-care, but not so much on what I think we should do to take care of ourselves but why it's so damn difficult to do things for ourselves even when we know it's good for us. Self-care feels like a buzz word and we're shamed for doing it or shamed if we can't. But I think it's so much more layered and the difficulties in putting our needs first are way more complex. Just like everything else in life, leading with a lot more self-compassion will definitely be key.

Key points:
Self-care is connected to what we need in the moment
We're not trained to feel we can take time out for ourselves
Looking to others to see if we deserve it
Struggling with self-regulation makes it difficult
Self-care in cycles (we don't always need the same things to take care of ourselves)

Connect with me:
On IG @theadhdgoodlife
On FB @adhdgoodlife
On Twitter @theadhdgoodlife

Click for my free EBOOK on self-compassion: They Were Wrong About You!

Intro & Outro music: Joseph McDade
T-shirt I'm wearing:  ND Renegade

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Neurodivergent Narratives
Neurodivergent Narratives Podcast
on exploring neurodivergence, rejecting social norms & embracing the beauty & messiness of reconnecting to our humanity.