Neurodivergent Narratives
Neurodivergent Narratives Podcast
When I Think About RSD

When I Think About RSD

RSD : Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria is a cluster of emotionally painful symptoms that arise in reaction to perceived judgement or rejection from others.

It’s no surprise that we’re rejection sensitive. We’re sensitive about a lot of emotions, not just rejection. Emotions feel big in these bodies. Breakups make us fall to pieces but falling in love is something so euphoric too. But RSD, I’m still struggling with it. I know that people say they struggle with it and I’m not one to downplay anyone's struggles. But I guess the thing that I’m always stuck with about the RSD narrative is, is it something that we have (pathologically speaking) or is it something that’s happened to us (this society), a combination of both (ADHD symptoms and society), or is it something that’s completely different we’re dealing with like trauma... This episode is the start of a new short series where I start questioning some of the things I've learned about RSD.

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Click for my free EBOOK on self-compassion: They Were Wrong About You!

Intro & Outro music: Joseph McDade
T-shirt I'm wearing:  ND Renegade

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Neurodivergent Narratives
Neurodivergent Narratives Podcast
on exploring neurodivergence, rejecting social norms & embracing the beauty & messiness of reconnecting to our humanity.